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Sign up using Facebook. Email Required, but never shown. Sahil Gupta Sahil Gupta 2 2 2 bronze badges. Please refrain from adding this to your questions. I was guessing that was the issue as well. Thank you for pointing out the fact that I was using the adafruit version. Thanks for the help! arduino afmotor.h

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Email Required, but never shown. I will try to do it without the library.

Library example: AFMotor : MotorParty

Improving the question-asking experience. Active 1 year, 2 months ago.

arduino afmotor.h

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Is there a another way to download the motor library? I haven't tried importing every single one of them but the ones that I have imported are showing this error. I was guessing that was the issue as well.

So that's where I am stuck. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: I have indicated the error below. I am still working on it however I wanted to verify whether it was working so far. Thank you very much for your help! I tried going ardkino menus and doing what you suggested before. Here is my code. Asked 1 year, 2 months ago.

How do we handle problem users? Thank you very much! The compiler can't find the header. Sahil Gupta Sahil Gupta 2 2 2 bronze badges.

arduino afmotor.h

However, I believe that Acmotor.h was suppose to download the libraries so I did that, and I needed the motor library. Unfortunately, it keeps showing the compile error.

arduino afmotor.h

Sign up using Email and Password. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Post as a guest Name. Furthermore, as far as I am ardyino it seems to be happening with almost any library that I am trying to import.

Adafruit Motor Shield library

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Please refrain from adding this to your questions. Or maybe I was doing it wrong because there is no "import library"like suggests on the website, instead there is the insert library so when I tried doing that it says that the zip file is empty.

Why is my code showing up these errors? When I verify the code it says compiling error I have indicated a description of the compiling error below.

Downloading File /AFMotor Library/AFMotor.h - ENES Hovercraft Project – Team? - OSDN

Thank you for pointing out the fact that I was using the adafruit version. Make sure you either move the library with header file to the default Arduino libraries folder or move the library to the same directory as your Arduino code and then try: It's probably because the compiler can't locate the header file. Make sure you either move the library with header file to the default Arduino libraries folder or move the library to the same directory as your Arduino code and then try:.


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